Post by Lara MacCallister on Mar 24, 2010 9:22:47 GMT -5
La Bella Vita
the rules
Rules of Etiquette
behave yourself
the rules
Rules of Etiquette
behave yourself
Please be respectful. This includes being respectful to members, potential members and most of all to the LBV Staff Members. This is our most important rule and being disrespectful to anyone on this board will not be tolerated.
-> Please respect the Chat Box. The chat box is paid for by LBV staff members and abuse of this privilege will not be stood for. While speaking IN CHARACTER in the chat box, you may yell, scream, argue, make up, and fall in love, whatever you want. But, any actual fighting between members and other people will not be accepted or tolerated. Staff members reserve the right to ban any member/ip address from the chat box, without warning, so please remember this while using it. Also, the CBOX is rated PG13, so please no sexual acts in the chat box. Save it for your threads.
-> Other Role Play sites. We are all on a lot of different role play sites and some of them have most of the same people as members. Some people get along with others, some do not. This site was created as a safe haven. Anyone who comes here will be asked to keep all negative conversations about other role plays at the door. If you have something to say, that is what YIM/MSN/AIM is for, or you can please take the conversation somewhere else.
Applications, Absences and Accounts
heres how it works
heres how it works
-> If you are planning on being away from the site for an extended period of time, we ask that you please post in the Absentee board. We think this is a small thing to ask so you don’t run the risk of having you characters deleted for non-activity.
-> Please only one character per account. We understand that some people find it a pain to switch accounts to post different characters, but we think it’s neater and keeps down the level of confusion with Characters. And it’s our site, so there!
-> ALL applications are located with the application board. This is just the template. The applications are to be copied and posted in the pending applications board. Applications that are not posted first in the pending board will be moved to the denied board.
-> When making a character make sure you read the rules. The admins will post in the application thread you make and will tell you if there is anything you need to fix. We will be honest if you have forgotten something so please don't think we are being mean for the fun of it. We just want to make sure that people know their characters. Please wait for both of the Main Admins (Stefanie & Catie) to approve your account before you begin posting.
-> Please remember to fill out the Celebrity Claim, Communications Info, and Plot Page for your character. These are MANDATORY and must be done before you start posting. If you forget to fill out the celebrity claim form and another person would like your celebrity, they are free to grab it. Whoever posts in the claim thread first will be the one that gets to keep the celeb.
-> Also, any applications that have been on the board, unfinished, for over 1 week, will be deleted.
In Character Rules
your alter ego
your alter ego
-> NO GOD MODING. As a member, you are responsible for the actions of your own character and that’s it. Unless you have permission from the owner of the character, please do not take it upon yourself to move, speak for or otherwise molest another person’s character. God Moding will not be tolerated and will be dealt with on a “three strikes your out” method.
-> We ask that you remain active with your characters. That means you post them at least two times a week, every week. If they have not been posted and there has been no post of an absence, your character will be deleted and up for grabs. This doesn't mean you can’t apply for that character again, but it’s easier to just not have your character deleted in the first place.
-> I ask that everyone posts a picture of their character and a banner if you can find one. It helps us visualize the character when reading threads. Please do not use an icon as an avatar; we would like to be able to see your character. There are plenty of pictures out there. Also, NO ANIME CHARACTERS. Banners in signatures may be no wider than 525PX wide. If your banner is wider than that, it needs to be resized or it will be removed. Avatars may be no bigger than 325px high.
Posting Rules
its all in what you say
its all in what you say
-> Please NO ONE LINERS. One line posts are extremely hard to reply to and we ask that you please not join the board if that’s all you intend to write. It’s not hard to get three to five sentences, so push for that or more. Be descriptive; tell us about your mood, your clothes, the room your in, etc. We ask that you try to post a minimum of two paragraphs in a post. A paragraph contains five to ten sentences.
-> When you are finished with a thread, I ask that at the beginning you post "CLOSED" so that the staff members know the thread is finished. Your threads will never be deleted; they will be moved to the Graveyard (Archives).
-> Cursing and sexual content is allowed. It happens in life, it can happen here. Please mark your threads with a warning if it becomes sexually explicit. Please place (XXX) in the thread title if sex does occur that way people who do not want to be exposed to the sexual content can choose not to read it.
-> All posting on LBV are to be written in first person point of view. For example, “I took Evie’s hand in mine.”
->Please pay attention to your grammar and punctuation. We pride ourselves on being an intermediate role play forum. So, take your time with your postings, use commas and periods. The spell check button is there for a reason and it is your friend.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, Have fun. Plain and simple. You won't be told how to play your character. If you've been accepted as a character, the administration will have confidence in your posting and character abilities.